solar panel cleaning

Regular cleaning is essential for optimal performance of your solar panels. Our solar panel washing service, undertaken by our experts, removes dust, dirt, and bird droppings that can affect the efficiency of your panels, allowing them to generate energy at their maximum potential.

contact Shimmer today

Guaranteed reliable and professional window and glass cleaning service

10 + Years


Spot & Streak


Low Prices


100% Safety


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    Immaculate Facilities. Feel the difference

    Shimmer Glass and Pressure Cleaning are your trusted partner to deliver you immaculate facilities. We understand the importance of maintaining a clean and inviting environment, and we are here to help you achieve just that. With our four-pillar methodology focused on safety, professionalism, environmental consciousness, and efficiency, we are committed to delivering exceptional services that exceed your expectations.

    Safety is our top priority. We take every precaution to ensure the well-being of our team, your property, and everyone involved. Our highly skilled technicians are trained to follow industry best practices and adhere to strict safety protocols. You can have peace of mind knowing that your facility is in safe hands.